Abstract submission

The organisers now call abstracts for oral and poster presentations.
The deadline for abstracts is March 16, 2025.
Notification of acceptance will be sent to the corresponding authors no later than April 17, 2025.


1. Conventional and novel chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives threats including CBRNE-related disinformation, hybrid threats and aspects of climate change, related environmental aspects, and toxic industrial chemicals (TIC).
2. National and international strategies, legislation, treaties, prevention, countering CBRNE threats.
3. Resilience, organizational resilience, security of supply, industrial preparedness, civil defense, civil-military cooperation.
4. Detection, identification, monitoring, (dispersion) modelling.
5. Protection, decontamination, medical countermeasures, human factors, recovery.
6. Education, training, mixed reality methods.
7. Other.

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Review Board. Accepted abstracts will be printed in the abstract book included in the symposium material for all attendees. Abstracts should be written in English, consist of text only (no pictures, tables or graphics), and not exceed 250 words in length. Do not include keywords or references.

Posters will be on display during the entire event in the Main Hall, and the authors are expected stand by their posters during the main poster session (Wednesday, June 11, 2025). Maximum and recommended poster size A0 (84,1 cm × 118,9 cm), vertical orientation / portrait. The organiser will provide materials for affixing the poster.

Please note that for each accepted abstract at least one presenter should register for the symposium and pay the registration fee. The registration deadline for accepted presenters is latest April 17, 2025. Abstracts without a registered presenter by this date will be removed from the programme, handouts and other materials.

Abstracts must be submitted electronically using the online abstract submission system.