The city of Kokkola is situated 500 km northwest of Helsinki with easy connections by train from Helsinki and the flight from Helsinki-Vantaa airport.

Welcome to the Symposium

This triennial symposium is organized by the Association for Protection, Rescue, Security and Safety (SPT Ry).
The NBC 2025 symposium offers a great place to deep dive into topics such as CBRNE threats.
Industrial preparedness, toxic industrial chemicals (TIC), security of supply, civil defense, national strategies, civil-military cooperation, training, education, dispersion modelling, detection, identification, decontamination, and medical countermeasures, are the most important topics, too.
Presentations concerning human factors, mixed reality and organizational resilience are also welcome.
The symposium also features an exhibition of CBRNE equipment.
The previous NBC 2022 Symposium gathered nearly 200 participants from over 20 countries ranging from decision makers, CBRNE scientists, professionals of civil defense, emergency supply agencies, customs to industry and company representatives.


1.Conventional and novel chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives threats including CBRNE-related disinformation, hybrid threats and aspects of climate change, related environmental aspects, and toxic industrial chemicals (TIC).
2. National and international strategies, legislation, treaties, prevention, countering CBRNE threats.
3. Resilience, organizational resilience, security of supply, industrial preparedness, civil defense, civil-military cooperation.
4. Detection, identification, monitoring, (dispersion) modelling.
5. Protection, decontamination, medical countermeasures, human factors, recovery.
6. Education, training, mixed reality methods.
7. Other.

More to come


Dr. Janet Martha Blatny is the Research Director of the Total Defense division at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) and has been a member of FFI’s Executive Leadership since 2014. She is an Honorary Visiting Professor at the Institute for Security Science and Technology at Imperial College London, and she is a Special Advisor for NATO’s Chief Scientist at the Office of Chief Scientist, NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) in Brussels.

Read more about Janet: Janet Blatny bio NBC 2025


Dr. Robert L. Kristovich, a Tier 2 member of the Senior Executive Service (SES), is the Director of the Chemical and Biological Technologies Department, Research and Development Directorate (RD-CB) for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). RD-CB serves as the Joint Science and Technology Office (JSTO), an integral component of the Chemical and Biological Defense Program (CBDP).

Read more about Robert: Robert L. Kristovich bio NBC 2025


Dr Mika Salminen Is The Director Of The Finnish Institute For Health And Welfare (THL). His Expertise Is As A Virologist And The Surveillance And Control Of Communicable Diseases, International Health Security, Contagion Preparedness, Microbiology And Public Health Policy.

Read more about Mika: Mika Salminen bio NBC 2025


Petteri Korvala started as Secretary General of the Security Committee on September 1, 2023. His current position focuses on issues related to the comprehensive security of the Finnish society, which he promotes with the Secretariat of the Security Committee he leads.

Read more about Petteri: Petteri Korvala bio NBC 2025





Symposium Venue

The symposium venue, Kokkola City Hall, also offers modern and comfortable meeting rooms to guarantee successful networking events.

Kokkola Industrial Park - KIP is the Northern Europe’s largest ecosystem of inorganic chemical industry.


Important Dates

Participants - Register

The participation fee is €870 (until April 3,2025).
Early-bird registration fee is only €780! (until January 15, 2025)

Abstracts - Submission

Deadline for abstracts is January 31, 2025


Want to be a sponsor?

The organiser welcomes all event sponsors who want to get extra exposure. If you book a booth at the exhibition, please, follow the guidance on page "Exhibition".
If you only want to be a sponsor, please, follow the guidance on page "Sponsors".


1. Gold sponsor, €6000

(for one company only)
Max. 10 min presentation at Symposium
Advertisement in printed Symposium Proceedings (spread and back cover)
Company logo printed on conference bag
Company logo with link on NBC 2025 website’s pages
One bag insert
Two complimentary participants


2. Silver sponsor, €3000

(for two companies)
Max. 8 min speech/company at Symposium
Company logo visibility at Symposium
Advertisement in printed Symposium Proceedings (spread)
Company logo with link on NBC 2025 website’s pages
One bag insert
One complimentary participant


3. Bronze sponsor, €2000

(for three companies)
Max. 5 min speech/company at Symposium
Company logo visibility at Symposium
Advertisement in printed Symposium Proceedings (one page, first part of book)
One bag insert
One participant/company with 50% discount of registration fee


4. Half‐page advert in printed Symposium programme, €800

(organiser decides on advert placement)


5. Bag insert, €300

(others than sponsors, advertisers and exhibitors)